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•   隧洞全断面开挖中不同爆破孔作用边界及其 诱发振动特性的比较分析 / 2021-12-07 /
•   细水雾与排烟系统共同作用下地铁车站火灾烟气蔓延规律 / 2021-11-15 /
•   考虑爆源特征的岩石爆破诱发地震波的波型与组分分析 / 2021-07-26 /
•   隧道斜穿不同倾角断层破碎带围岩变形特征分析 / 2021-07-08 /
•   Predicting jet-grout column diameter to mitigate the environmental impact using an artificial intell / 2021-06-21 /
•   基于厚度检测的运营隧道二次衬砌安全评价研究 / 2021-06-11 /
•   Field Investigation of Blasting-Induced Vibration in Concrete Linings during Expansion of Old Highwa / 2021-03-17 /
•   基于流体力学相似理论的“互补式+排烟竖井” 组合通风模型试验研究 / 2021-02-19 /
•   孔内起爆位置对爆破振动场分布的影响作用规律 / 2021-01-22 /
•   岩石爆破中孔内起爆位置对爆炸能量传输的调控作用研究 / 2020-10-11 /
•   孔内起爆位置对爆破振动场分布的影响作用规律 / 2020-09-27 /
•   Excess pore water pressure caused by the installation of jet grouting columns in clay / 2020-08-09 /
•   An Illumination Moving with the Vehicle Intelligent Control System of Road Tunnel Lighting / 2020-08-06 /
•   隧道通风阻力格栅局部阻力试验 / 2020-03-03 /
•   Effect of Initiation Location within Blasthole on Blast Vibration Field and Its Mechanism / 2019-10-15 /
•   Mathematical and Mechanical Analysis of the Effect of Detonator Location and Its Improvement in Benc / 2019-10-10 /
•   Evaluation and optimization of blasting approaches to reducing oversize boulders and toes in open-pi / 2019-08-17 /
•   水平光面爆破激发地震波的成分及衰减特征 / 2019-08-08 /
•   Statistical analysis of fire accidents in Chinese highway tunnels / 2019-05-11 /
•   Application of the twin tube complementary ventilation system in large slopping road tunnels in Chin / 2019-02-12 /
•   在役隧道衬砌渗漏水引排技术 / 2019-02-04 /
•   Analysis of evolution of seismic components induced by a vertical blasthole / 2018-10-22 /
•   Typhoon triggered operation tunnel debris flow disaster in coastal areas of SE China / 2018-09-28 /
•   隧道通风系统90弯折处导流板设置研究 / 2018-08-10 /
•   Numerical Investigation of Particle Concentration / 2018-06-12 /
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